Me at a Meetup

About me

My name is James Daly. I'm a software engineer from Ireland but I live in Amsterdam these days. I'm currently working at Code Nomads as a software developer where I develop software, provide training and lots of other stuff. I work primarily in the backend with languages like Rust, Kotlin and Java. I also do passable work in the frontend with Sveltekit, Angular and TypeScript.


What I've been up to



A real time in browser broadcast production system. I built this my free time over the course of a year to enable low budget broadcast production of sports. The project uses Sveltekit with Typescript and Rust with Actix Web and FFMPEG.

Have a look


Autometrics is an observability micro-framework built for developers. It makes it easy to instrument any function with the most useful metrics: request rate, error rate, and latency. Autometrics uses instrumented function names to generate Prometheus queries so you don’t need to hand-write complicated PromQL. I have implemented a client library for Java and Kotlin along with a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.

Library source Plugin source Install plugin

Rust Developers Amsterdam

A few years ago I started a meetup group for Rust developers in Amsterdam. We meet once every month or two to discuss Rust and related topics. We have a great community of developers and enthusiasts. I have given presentations on Rust and held workshops at the Meetup.

Join us

Amsterdam GAC

Outside of tech I enjoy playing gaelic football and hurling. The national games of my home country. I serve on the Amsterdam GAC committee as the club secretary.
